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Popular motor oils for your car

Popular motor oils for your car

Choosing a motor oil for your vehicle really isn’t a complicated chemistry lesson. All you need to figure out is what viscosity your car requires, whether or not it has been running on synthetic oil, the quantity of motor oil that is required for the car and the best brand there is.
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Tips for changing oil in your car

Tips for changing oil in your car

Everyone who owns a car doesn’t necessarily know everything about it technically other than to drive it. Brand new cars usually run well for an initial period. But it when you start noticing minor problems that you are aware of its various components like oil change. Just like water lubricates our joints, oil lubricates the various parts of the car, keeping it in shape.
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Know when to change oil in your car

Know when to change oil in your car

Every car owner would wonder when to change the engine oil. The best thing to be done is to consult your owner’s manual. Most of them suggest for an oil change after 4000 miles and as your car gets older it’s better to drop down to 3000 miles, it again depends on what car you use.
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Basics of roadside breakdown cover

Basics of roadside breakdown cover

Car breakdowns are unpredictable and it suddenly makes you feel lost. You may or may not have have given your car for service recently, but if you’ve taken up a spontaneous decision for long drive with your family, friends or alone, the being stuck with a broken-down car is not exactly what you want.
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Roadside assistance covers for wheelchair vans

Roadside assistance covers for wheelchair vans

Suffering a breakdown due to a problem in your vehicle can be no fun. It can be more of a problem, if you are someone using a wheelchair van. However, there are roadside assistance covers available for wheelchair vans and used wheelchair vans as well. Here are some options you must however consider while opting for the right service.
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Consider these points before buying a car

Consider these points before buying a car

You cannot buy cars like you buy toasters or ovens. You will never find anybody who decides to buy a new car, walks into a dealership showroom, choose a car, swipe a credit or a debit card and drive away in less than an hour. It is not a single day affair and not it is surely not a right way to buy a car.
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